Before you can register a participant / player for a soccer program you must first create a User Account. Select the Register Now button in the top-right corner of the page to begin. This is the primary account and you should enter the parent's or guardian's name in the form, not the player unless the player is at least 18 years old.
Next you will be asked to enter your contact information. This is the contact information for the primary account holder and first parent.
At this point you can add an additional account user (spouse, grandparent, etc. - but NOT the player). This allows you to add the information for the other parent as well. Note: This is the only way you can get the second parent's name, phone, and email on the registrations forms. An email invitation will be sent to the parent allowing them to create their own username and password for the site. Whether they accept the invitation or not, this will still show the information on the registration forms. If you DO NOT want the other parent to have their own username and password but still want their information on the registration forms then use a fake email address or your own so that they do not get the invitation to join.
Click Create Additional Account User & Continue. This will add the secondary parent to the account and list their information on the registration forms. Next, identify your role and if you are registering your child as a participant, as a coach or other volunteer, or if you are 18 or older and registering yourself as a participant.
At this point your User Account has been created. Depending on the option you selected above you can continue with help on
Adding Participants or
Registering as a Volunteer.